Pricing FAQ
What is Charged in Apiqcloud?
Resource consumption for each environment is charged to the account owner on an hourly basis. There are 3 types of charges:
- Primary - fees for the main platform resources (i.e. RAM & CPU), provided within cloudlets
- Provider-dependent - the ones that can be either payable or not, according to the chosen hosting provider settings
- Optional extras - charges for usage of some additional platform features
Where Can the Consumed Resources be Seen?
The detailed information on the number of consumed resources can be seen in the different places at your dashboard, for example:
pricing widget at the environment wizard’s right pane shows the approximate monthly spends, based on the stated amount of reserved cloudlets
the current resources consumption of every environment is displayed in the Usage column of your environments list. It includes the amount of occupied disc space (in MB) and currently used/overall amount of cloudlets
the total usage Statistics on all resources types (i.e. RAM, CPU, Storage and Network Bandwidth) can be seen via the appropriate section for the desired node/set of the same-type nodes
finally, the Billing History section provides any information on all the payable resources, consumed during the stated period, and their costs.
How Much do Resources Cost?
The prices can be seen inside your Apiqcloud dashboard.
Navigate to Balance > Quotas&Pricing menu item.
Note that the various software stacks are provided free of charge in Apiqcloud. You only pay for the resources consumed but not for the software itself.
How to Decrease the Consumption?
To decrease your spends you can stop your environment when it is not needed. For example, if you happen to be using your environment as a test or dev one and you don't use it on nights and weekends - you don't have to pay for the resources that you don't use.
In such a way RAM (Memory), CPU and traffic are not going to be charged.
You are going to pay only for disk space that you use(more than 20GB) and for Public IP and SSL if you purchased any.