Deploy Ruby Project Via URL Archive
With Apiqcloud you can easily upload and deploy any Ruby app via Archive of URL. The given below...
Deploy Ruby Project via GIT SVNDeploy Ruby Project via GIT/SVN You can host any public or your private Ruby project at...
Diaspora RubyHow to install Diaspora into Apiqcloud Diaspora* is an open-source user-owned distributed...
Language Versions RubyRuby Versions For now Apiqcloud supports four Ruby versions: 2.2.7 2.3.4 2.4.1 You...
Redmine RubyHow to Deploy Redmine in Apiqcloud Cloud Redmine is an open-source web-based system for...
Ruby App Server ConfigurationApiqcloud supports the following Ruby application servers:1.Apache2 + Passenger :The...
Ruby Apps Specification > Post Deploy ConfigurationPost Deploy Configuration Apiqcloud can perform post deployment application configuration via...
Ruby Apps Specification DependancyDependency Management While hosting the Ruby application, Apiqcloud Cloud provides you with...